Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nighty Routine

I hate cleaning up after the kids. I hate it more than anything and it is an ongoing battle! Not anymore! Welcome to my nightly routine...the clear, plastic tote!

During the day any toys that are not being played with and are just lying around on the floor get picked up and placed into the tote. Some days it gets really full (see picture below) other days none at all.

After showers the kids have to check the tote and clean up all toys that are placed inside of the tote. If the toys don't get picked up, the toys left inside of it get donated to the Youth Ranch. Cayden (my youngest) is so scared of toys being taken away that he is constantly checking the tote for toys to be put away. He freaks when he sees one of his toys inside of it.

We just started this system a few weeks ago, it is working great and saving me a lot of screaming and doing it myself! I know one day I am going to have to take a toy to the youth ranch, I am going to hear a lot of crying, and I will probably have even a harder time following through; however, I guarantee that it will show them that I mean business!

Here is a pictures of a full tote, within 5 minutes the toys were put up where they go and the house was straightened up again!

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