Friday, April 30, 2010

Oh Cayden

Just a litte chuckle for the day...Cayden was getting ready for his shower, when he decided  he needed to have ice cream first. So here he is in the freezer getting the ice cream. Yes, one day he is going to KILL me.

My little soccer player...NOT

Cailey was so excited to play soccer this year. All she could talk about was soccer. She was very excited to get her favorite color of shirt (red) to play in....Then came the games. She will not do anything. She gets very nervous in front of people and just wants to be with me. The very first game, she wouldn't even clap everybody's hands after the game.  She has gotten better and will finally congratulate all the players, she even will throw the ball in, and kick it to start the game off. But if you ask her to do anything else...NO WAY! Last nights game, she had  a great chance of kicking a goal, but she froze and looked away.

Cailey would much rather play on the sidelines and try to find Jodie Farnsworth's slug bug. In fact, on the first soccer practice she and all the other players were working really hard and she stops right in the middle and yells, "Mommy, mommy! Slug bug blue!" Then she goes on to come up and slug me for it. Then of course all the other little kids start playing slug bug.

I really thought I was going to pull my hair out coaching these 4-5 3-6 year olds (Yes, some turned 4 on the week before our game and some are turning 6 before the season ends). However, I am having so much fun. I have some very advanced kids that I have to take out during the game because all the other kids don't get a chance and I have some that would rather play slug bug (she is not my child!) or do somersaults down the field.
Second to the last game (two days before May) and we are having to dress like it is winter

Monday, April 19, 2010

Top picks of Sunday

We are loving the warmer weather we have been having. It is going to be hard to say goodbye to it, while we have the cold front coming in!

However, we will enjoy it while we have it..Here are the top picks of why we love Spring (warm weather)...

1. Playing with the Tonka truks in the sandbox

2. The smell and the beauty of blooming trees.

3. The pretty flowers you can find in any store

4. The way the sun makes you feel more happy and loved

5. Running through the sprinklers. Yes Cayden did have fun, he just looks like the fear of God was put into him in this picture.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The cowboy, the city girl, and the little inbetweens

Back in the day (high school) I rode the horses, baited my own hook and did everything I could possibly think of to be with Cody. Now, 11 years down the road, I don't care to go riding (truth to be known, I am kind of scared of the darn horses), I don't bait my own hook (I HATE worms), and I love to hang out at home.

Cody says I am false advertisement. I say that I am marketing to the right person!  But I am happy where we are at. I love that we both have hobbies away from each other. Even though I like to complain that he is always gone, I really don't mind it (just don't tell him!).

Today, I surprised Cody by taking the kids up to Uncle Ronnie's house for his branding. It was a total spur of the moment, as you can tell by what the kids are wearing (flip flops & shoes), but we actually had a great time.

 Even though I hate to go out of my comfort zone, I enjoyed getting outside in the dirt and dust and watch the action of some cowboys! Being out there reminds me to stop and enjoy the little things that we take for granted. I also believe that it is important to allow the kids to take an interest in what they are interested in and not what Cody and I push on them. That is why I call Cailey Mae and Cayden the inbetweeners...they are part country and part city. Cailey Mae loves to get her hair and nails done. Loves to go shopping. But she is also game to go whistle pig hunting and riding the horses with daddy! Cayden loves to be outside and play sports of all kinds, but he is also up to go riding the horses or 4 wheeler and digging in the dirt. They are my inbetweeners!!!!

Cailey trying to figure out how to get out into the arena without getting hurt or in trouble!
Cayden waiting for Cody to give him a ride on the horse
There is something to be said about a girls best friend, the  loyal dog (even when the dog is not yours).

My cowboy

Kids playing in the dirt

Seriously, does life get any better than this???????

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Days when daddy is home

Never once did I think Cody would have to work away from home. We always have lived in this "perfect" little dream. Well not anymore. This economy sucks right now! Last year Cody worked 176 days away from home! We got a nice tax return back because of it, but so not worth the money! The kids miss him terribly, I miss him more than words can explain and I know that he misses us too. But we gotta do what we gotta do to make ends meet so here we are. The weather is getting nicer and so of course he is back to work and away from home, again.

However, when he is home we make the best out of it! The other day we went whistle pig hunting and loved it! Cayden was a little unsure of the noise from the gun, but he enjoyed just riding around in the truck without his carseat buckled up. Cailey, on the other hand, LOVED the shooting. She said the next time she goes, she is gong to shoot one in the eyeball. I am not too sure if I should be proud of her for saying that or a little disturbed?

Cody took Cailey and Shelby along for a walk to find some whistle pigs

The kids also love for Cody to bring home his work. They love to ride around in the machinery and "help" their daddy with the work.

Peter Cotton Tail came hopping down our bunny trail

One day we will finally get a quality family picture, but until this one will have to do! I am not too sure why Cailey will not smile or even look at the camera, but it is what it is...
We had a fabulous Easter, as every year we do! We went to Blackfoot and enjoyed the weekend. It is always nice to get away for a while and we just love to see our family.
We got to Blackfoot Friday night, finally a trip with no puking!!! We woke up on Saturday to snow...Now I am a very invovled mommy and try to do as much as possible with my kids, but this mommy was not going to attempt the annual Easter egg hunt in this...
Yes snow in April...YUCK!!! We skipped the Easter egg hunt and dyed eggs at the house. Cayden was not interested in helping at all. Cailey loved it though.
That night we were there to celebrate my sister-in-laws 20th birthday. We have never been there for it so it was a nice treat to be there :)
The following morning the Easter bunny came. Cailey was very excited about the eggs he hid and didn't care about her basket to much. *Note to self...don't go overboard on the basket goodies!
Cailey got a pair of flip-flops, a couple of summer outfits, swimsuit, fishing pole, and a hula hoop for your ankle that you jump over (not too sure what it is called)
Cayden was tired from going to bed too late the night before and slept in another hour after Cailey woke up. So Cailey had to rehide the eggs for Cayden to find. He loved his Easter basket.
He got a pair of irrigation boots to wear outside, a couple of summer outfits, a fishing pole, and a new rope to help rope the cows like daddy to drag behind him and hit his sister with.
Later that day we went to Cody's grandparents' house for Easter dinner. the weather cooperated very nicely with us and allowed an outside Easter egg hunt. The kids were so funny this year. Cailey would put the "boy" colors into Cayden's basket and Cayden would put the "girl" colors into Cailey's basket. If they could only get along like that always.

Gotta love the hat! His Pappa Rocky gave it to him and he loves wearing it. I think he looks like an old farmer.
Here are some odd and ends that I fell in love with.
Pappa Rocky showing Cayden how to cast
Cailey showing Cayden his basket
Cailey making an Easter project
Cailey going through her basket

Look how serious all their faces are! The kids loved "playing" the WII. They never really did, but boy they sure thought they were doing someting big. I am thinking maybe Santa needs to bring us one!!!